AIODE – Privacy Policy

Welcome to “AIODE MUSICIANS”, an online service enabling producers, music creators and AI enthusiasts to play, compose and create music using our AI-based virtual musicians – available through our website at (the “Service”).

The Service is owned and provided by Aiode Ltd. (“we”, “our”, “us”). We respect your privacy. This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) explains our privacy practices for the Service, including the ways your personal information is collected and used.

We are committed to complying with applicable data protection laws, including the EU and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and United States state privacy laws.

It is your voluntary decision to provide us with your personal information. You are not legally obligated to provide or give access to this information, but we do require it to allow you to register and use the Service.

This Policy is incorporated by reference to the Service’s Terms of Service  (the “Terms”) and constitutes an integral part of them.

Information you actively provide us

Registration Information

While the use of our website is available to all internet users, our Service is available only to registered Users. Your personal User Account will be created once you sign-up and agree to the Terms and to our Policy. Our registration process involves the provision of certain personal and contact information.

We will explicitly indicate the fields for mandatory completion, including your full name, email and a Service password. We will also ask you to provide us with some additional personal information about yourself, such as your music interests, how you find new music tools and in which capacity you are interested in our Service.


Registration Through Third Party Login Services

Registration to our Service is also available through third party login services (such as Google SSO). If you choose to login or register to the Service through such third party services, please bear in mind that you are also subject to the privacy policies governing the use of such third party services.

You acknowledge that the use of third party services to login or register to the Service may provide us with access to certain personal information and data that you have provided to such third party service (according to your account and privacy settings in any such service) – such as a profile picture or your general location – and you expressly agree to our use of such data or information (your “Public Profile Information”). We will collect and use your Public Profile Information only if it is available to us according to your privacy settings on the third party platform.


User Content

User Content that you may upload or make available while using the Service may contain, or be indicative of, your personal information, depending on the particulars of the Content.



Reports and complaints concerning Illegal Content

When you submit a report to us alerting of Illegal Content on the Service, or file a complaint regarding our decision to remove or restrict your content, suspend your account or ban you from the Service, we collect your name and email address, and any additional information you provide to us in the scope of your report or complaint.


Contacting Us

To complete our online contact form, or while contacting us in any other way, we may require that you provide us with personal information, such as your name and contact details. We will explicitly indicate the mandatory fields for completion. You must provide complete, accurate and correct details. If you do not provide the required information, or provide false, incorrect, or outdated information, we may not be able to process your request or inquiry or contact you. We may also require additional personal information from you, to verify your Account and identity.


Sharing Audio Deliverables.

Our Service may allow you to share Audio Deliverables you have created through the Service with your contacts and third parties. If you chose to share Audio Deliverables with third parties through social networks or any other third-party platforms, please note that use of such third-party platforms is governed by their respective privacy policies, not this Policy.


Information we automatically collect
  • Analytical Data

We may use third party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to collect information about your use of the Service. For example, we may record the frequency and scope of your use of the Service, the duration of your sessions, the interactions and communications you make with the Service’s interface, and any Content that you view or create while using the Service.

  • Device Information

We collect information about your electronic device, including its model, operating system type and version, unique device identifiers, including MAC address (a unique identifier assigned to your Device’s WiFi component), the UDID (or “Open UDID” in iPhones), browser type and language, mobile network information and the Internet Protocol (IP) address through which you accessed the Service.


We do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal information of minors under the age of 18. If you are a minor under 18 years of age, you may not use the Service and may not provide any personal details to us.


Your consent serves as the legal basis for processing your information. We use the personal information we collect for the following purposes:

  • To facilitate the access to and use of the Service, its features and functionalities, develop, improve and customize the Service, and to manage the administrative and operational aspects of the Service;
  • To advertise our Service and to promote and market third party products and services, subject to your right to object to such direct marketing as explained below;
  • To send updates and announcements to you, conduct surveys related to the Service, provide you with support, handle complaints and contact you when we believe it to be necessary, either directly or through others on our behalf, including by e-mail messages;
  • To handle your reports and complaints concerning Illegal Content;
  • Enforce the Terms and this Policy and prevent unlawful activities and misuse of the Service;
  • Comply with any applicable law and assist law enforcement agencies and competent authorities, when we have a good faith belief that our cooperation with them meets the applicable legal standards; and
  • Take any action in any case of dispute involving you, with respect to the Service.

We share personal information outlined in this Policy, with others, in the following instances:

  • With our service providers & affiliates, in order to operate, maintain and enhance the Service;
  • If you have breached the Terms, abused your rights to use the Service, or violated any applicable law. Your information may be shared with competent authorities and with any third party, as may be required;
  • With third parties to whom we believe that we are required by law to disclose your information;
  • With attorneys, courts and relevant third parties, in any case of dispute, or legal proceeding of any kind involving you with respect to the Service;
  • If the operation of the Service is organized within a different framework, or through another legal structure or entity (such as due to a merger or acquisition), provided that those entities agree to be bound by the provisions of this Policy, with reasonably necessary changes taken into consideration; and
  • We may share personal information with our corporate group entities, if applicable (companies that we control, control us, or are under common control with us – whether directly or indirectly), but their use of such information must comply with the Policy.

In any case other than the above, your personal information will be shared with others only if you provide your explicit prior consent.



Among other things, we process your personal data and profile for marketing purposes. You have the right to object at any time to processing your personal data for such marketing. If you raise such an objection, we will no longer process your personal data for such purposes.



At any time, we may anonymize (de-identify) personal information we have collected. We may use the de-identified information in any way, including by selling, or making it available, to any other third party.


We may store and process information in the EU and in other countries such as the United States. We may also process information using cloud services. The laws in those other countries may provide a lower degree of data protection than the laws of your own country. You agree to the transfer of your information to such other countries for the purpose of processing as described in this Policy, including through cloud services.



We implement measures to reduce the risks of damage, loss of information and unauthorized access or use of information. These measures do not provide absolute information security. Therefore, it is not guaranteed, and you cannot expect that the Service will be immune from information security risks.


We may change this Policy, in which case we will seek your consent to those changes if they are material. If you do not consent to the amended Policy, we may terminate your Account and block your access to, and use of, the Service.



Data Controller. Aiode Ltd. is the data controller of your personal information that is collected when you use the Service. Our offices are at 24 HaNagar St., Hod Hasharon 4527713.


Representatives. Following are the contact details of our EU and UK representatives:

  • EU –
  • UK –


International data transfers. To facilitate processing your information through the Service and by our service providers, we will transfer your information to countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and other non-EU European countries, and Israel. We do so under an adequacy decision or under the terms of a data transfer agreement which contains standard data protection contract clauses with adequate safeguards determined by the EU Commission and the UK Information Commissioner’s Office.


Legal basis for processing your personal data. We process your personal data based on the following legal basis:


Purpose or Scenario

Legal Basis

Registering to our Service (directly or through third party services)

Our legitimate interest in the proper operation of the Service and our business.

For personal information you voluntarily provide – your consent.

Uploading User Content to the Service

Performance of our Terms of Use agreement with you, and our legitimate interest in the proper operation of the Service and our business.

Handling reports and complaints concerning illegal content

Our legitimate interest in the proper operation of the Service and our business, and the protection of the vital interest of other natural persons.

Responding to inquiries

Our legitimate interest in responding to your inquiries.

Sharing your Audio Deliverableswith third parties at your request

Our legitimate interest in providing you with the functionality of the Service you requested and in the proper operation of the Service and our business.

Collecting analytics and device information

Our legitimate interest in developing and enhancing our business and the Service.

Responding to, handling, and mitigating suspected violations of law in connection with our business

Our legitimate interests in defending and enforcing against violations and breaches that are harmful to our business.

Complying with a binding request from a competent authority

Our legitimate interests in complying with mandatory legal requirements imposed on us.

Enabling a structural change in the operation of the Platform and our business

Our legitimate interests in our business continuity.


Data subject rights. If you are in the EEA or the UK, you have the following rights:


  • Right to Access and receive a copy of your personal information that we process.
  • Right to Rectify inaccurate personal information we have concerning you and to have incomplete personal information completed.
  • Right to Data Portability, that is, to receive the personal information that you provided to us, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. You have the right to transmit this data to another person or entity. Where technically feasible, you have the right to have your personal information transmitted directly from us to the person or entity you designate.
  • Right to withdraw your consent to processing your personal information, easily and at any time, if the basis for our processing is your consent. We may continue to process personal information with respect to which your consent is not necessary. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing we carried out based on your consent before such withdrawal.
  • Right to Object to our processing of your personal information based on our legitimate interest. However, we may override the objection if we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds, or if we need to process such personal information for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.
  • Right to Restrict us from processing your personal information (except for storing it): (a) if you contest the accuracy of the personal information (in which case the restriction applies only for a period enabling us to determine the accuracy of the personal information); (b) if the processing is unlawful and you prefer to restrict the processing of the personal information rather than requiring the deletion of such data by us; (c) if we no longer need the personal information for the purposes outlined in this Policy, but you require the personal information to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or (d) if you object to our processing based on our legitimate interest (in which case the restriction applies only for the period enabling us to determine whether our legitimate grounds for processing override yours).
  • Right to be Forgotten, under certain circumstances, such as when you object to our processing of your personal information based on our legitimate interest and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing. However, notwithstanding such a request, we may still process your personal information if it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us through the channels listed in this Policy.


When you contact us with a request, we reserve the right to ask for reasonable evidence to verify your identity before we provide you with information. If we are not able to provide you with the information that you have asked for, we will explain the reason.


Subject to applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority. If you are in the EU, then according to Article 77 of the GDPR, you can lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, in the Member State of your residence, place of work, or place of an alleged infringement of the GDPR. For a list of supervisory authorities in the EU, click here.


If you are in the UK, you can lodge a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) pursuant to the instructions provided here.


Aiode Ltd. is providing the following additional information to its clients residing in the United States, pursuant to applicable state privacy laws in the U.S.

We do not sell your information to any third party, or share it for cross-context behavioral advertising. Furthermore, we do not collect, use nor share sensitive information.

We keep the personal information specified below as long as you are an active user of our Service, and for 12 months thereafter to allow you to renew your activity on our Service. Following that period, we shall see to it that the information is not accessed, other than in extraordinary events such as legal claims.


Categories of personal information we collect and their sources

Below are the categories of personal information we have collected over the past 12 months, and the source of that information.


Categories of personal information

Details of the personal information that was collected

Sources of information


Name and email address.

  1. Directly from you.
  2. From the third parties through which you register to the Service.
  3. From the device from which you access the Service.
  4. From third party analytics tools we implement in the Service.

Additional information about you

Subject and content of your inquiry.

Inferences drawn from the above information, reflecting your preferences, characteristics and behavior

Your musical preferences and habits.

Audio and visual information

Your public profile picture, if you provided it to us.

Any audio you upload to the Service as part of your User Content, that may personally identify you.

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Information about the device you use to access the Service, such as your IP address, time and date of access, type of browser used, language used, etc.

Analytics about your use of the Service.

Business purposes for the collection of personal information

Categories of personal information (per the table above)

Business purposes


Additional information about you

Inferences drawn from the above information, reflecting your preferences, characteristics and behavior

Audio and visual information

Internet or other electronic network activity information


  1. Performing the Service, including maintaining user accounts and providing customer support.
  2. Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality.

3.     Detecting and preventing security incidents.

  1. Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of the Service and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the Service.
Disclosures to third parties

Below are the categories of personal information we shared with third parties over the past 12 months, and the categories of third-party entities we share them with.


Categories of personal information (per the table above)

Categories of entities we give the information to, and why


Additional information about you

Inferences drawn from the above information, reflecting your preferences, characteristics and behavior

Audio and visual information

Internet or other electronic network activity information


Our service providers, who will use it only as necessary to assist us in the internal operations of our business and the Service, and not for their own promotional purposes.

Third parties such as social media platforms, with whom you chose to share your Audio Deliverables.

Competent authorities, legal counsels, and advisors if you abused your rights to use the Service or violated any applicable law in the course of doing business with us.

Judicial, governmental, or regulatory authority if they require us to disclose your information

Target entity of the merger or acquisition, legal counsels, and advisors If the operation of the Service or our business is organized within a different framework, or through another legal structure or entity.

Your rights

The right to know. You have the right to know whether we are processing your personal information. If we do, you have the right to know the following information, which we will provide to you after we receive your request and verify your identity:


  • The categories of personal information we collected about you.
  • The categories of sources from which the personal information was collected.
  • The purposes for which we collect the personal information.
  • The categories of third parties with whom we share personal information.
  • The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you.


The right to obtain a copy of your personal information. If your data is available in a digital format, you have the right to obtain a copy of the personal information that you previously provided to us, in a portable and readable format (to the extent this is technically feasible).


The right to delete your personal information. In some cases, state privacy laws provide for the deletion of your personal information.


The right to correct inaccurate personal information. Once we receive a request from you to correct your data, and verify your identity, we will examine the veracity of the corrected information provided by you, consider your request to correct, and inform you of our decision.

To establish the veracity of the personal information as per your request, we will consider all the circumstances pertaining to the personal information the correction of which is requested. We may also require you to provide documentation in support of your request to correct the personal information.


The right to opt-out of processing for solely-automated profiling. You have the right to opt-out of solely-automated processing of your personal information to evaluate, analyze, or predict your personal aspects related your economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location, or movements, where that processing is done in furtherance of a decision that produces a legal or similarly significant effect on you.


The right to non-discrimination as a result of exercising your rights. You have the right to not be discriminated by us for exercising the rights granted to you under applicable law. If you exercise your rights, we cannot:

  • deny you services.
  • charge different prices or fees for services, also through discounts, benefits, or fines.
  • provide you a different level or quality of services.
  • propose that you receive different prices or tariffs for services.

Please note that we may charge a different fee or provide a different level or quality of services, if the difference is reasonably related to the value we gain from your personal information.


Filing requests

Should you wish to exercise your rights under applicable laws as specified above, please contact us by email at:


To verify your identity, we will ask you to provide additional information, through a verification process in which you will be asked to provide us with two items of information known to you and to us.

Note you may appoint an authorized agent to file requests to exercise your rights on your behalf. To this end, you must provide your authorized agent with written approval to do so. The authorized agent will have to present us with proof, attesting that you authorized them to act on your behalf. Furthermore, we will require verification of your identity, as explained above.


Our response to your requests

We will respond to your requests within 45 days (or within 90 days, where the law permits and we determine it necessary considering the complexity and number of the requests you have filed). If we take longer than 45 days, we will inform you of the extension within the initial forty-five-day response period, together with the reason for the extension.


We may deny your request in the following cases:


  • If we believe in good faith, based on reasons which are documented in writing, that your request is fraudulent or is an abuse of your rights under applicable law.
  • If we conclude that the request is irrelevant, based on all the circumstances at issue (e.g., if you requested to correct your personal information, and we find that it is likely to be accurate).
  • If it is contrary to federal or state law.
  • Due to discrepancy in the required documentation.
  • If the fulfilment of your request turns out to be impossible or involves disproportionate effort.


We will provide you with a detailed explanation including sufficient facts to enable you to meaningfully understand why we cannot fulfil your request.

You may appeal our decision to deny your request by submitting a written appeal to



At any time, you may contact us with any question, request, comment or complaint that you may have with respect to the Service or this Policy, at, or through our contact form available within the Service.


Last updated: October 2024.

Copyright 2024 Aiode. All rights reserved.